Three questions on Biden's latest display of contempt for the faith
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 02, 2016
A Catholic who participates in a ceremony at which a woman claims priestly ordination is subject to the penalty of excommunication, because that ceremony is a parody of a sacrament. So what about a Catholic who participates in—in fact, officiates at—a same-sex wedding, which is also a parody of a sacrament?
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The standard dodge for Catholic politicians who support legal abortion is that they are “personally opposed” to the killing of the unborn, but will not interfere with others who want to do the killing. That argument (weak as it is) would not be available, obviously, to someone who performs an abortion. So now let’s apply the same reasoning to the issue of same-sex marriage. A politician might claim that he personally does not endorse same-sex marriage. But when he acts as the minister to solemnize the union, Vice President Biden can no longer use that fig-leaf.
How long will it take America’s Catholic bishops to denounce Biden for engaging in actions that are incompatible with his profession of the Catholic faith, thereby creating scandal, demonstrating that he is not in communion with the Church and should not be admitted to the Eucharist?
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