St. Edmund Campion—Campion’s Brag

By James T. Majewski ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 06, 2021 | In Catholic Culture Audiobooks (Podcast)

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“The expense is reckoned, the enterprise is begun; it is of God; it cannot be withstood. So the faith was planted: So it must be restored.”

Edmund Campion was born on January 25, 1540, into an England awash with religious turmoil. Once expected to become an apologist for the Church of England, Campion would instead flee to France, where he was reconciled with the Church and accepted into the Society of Jesus.

After he was ordained a Jesuit priest in 1578, Campion was chosen by his superiors to lead a mission back to England. In 1580, shortly after arriving clandestinely in London, Campion quickly set about composing the statement that would later become known as “Campion’s Brag”. According to some scholars, it is the earliest defense of the faith to appear in English during the Reformation.

Campion was finally captured in 1581 and brought to the Tower of London, where he was imprisoned and tortured for four months. After a farce trial of bribed witnesses and false evidence, Campion was convicted of treason and sentenced to death. On December 1, 1581, Campion was hanged, drawn, and quartered.


Campion’s Brag Full text:

Catholic Culture Podcast Ep. 69—Poetry of the English Martyrs | Benedict Whalen

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Theme music: 2 Part Invention, composed by Mark Christopher Brandt, performed by Thomas Mirus. ©️2019 Heart of the Lion Publishing Co./BMI. All rights reserved.

James T. Majewski is Vice President of Trinity Communications, Director of Customer Relations for, the “voice” of Catholic Culture Audiobooks, and co-host of Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast. Based in New York City, he holds both a BA in Philosophy and an MFA in Acting. See full bio.

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  • Posted by: velazquez37031 - Aug. 21, 2023 7:49 PM ET USA

    Thank you for this resource.