St. Augustine—De Doctrina Christiana | Full

By James T. Majewski ( bio - articles - email ) | Sep 06, 2021 | In Catholic Culture Audiobooks (Podcast)

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“Whoever, then, appears in his own opinion to have comprehended the Sacred Scriptures, or even some part of them, yet does not build up with that knowledge the two-fold love of God and his neighbor, has not yet known as he ought to know.”

Over one year ago, Catholic Culture Audiobooks began a seven-part reading series of St. Augustine’s great work On Christian Instruction, or De Doctrina Christiana. We’re very pleased now to be able to offer this work in its entirety, in one continuous episode.

De Doctrina Christiana is listed alongside the Confessions and City of God among Augustine’s contributions to the “Great Books of the Western World”. It is considered the most important early Latin treatise on scriptural interpretation, and a foundational work for the field of Biblical hermeneutics. It ranks among the most important works of classical rhetoric, alongside works by Cicero and Quintillian. Its fourth and final book was one of the very first works to be printed, only about a decade after the Gutenberg Bible.

De Doctrina Christiana is composed of four books. As Augustine describes, the first three books “help to an understanding of the Scriptures, while the fourth instructs us how to present the facts which we have comprehended.”

If you missed these readings at the time of their initial release—or even if you listened to some or all of them—we hope you’ll enjoy this release of the full audiobook in a single episode.


Christian Instruction:

De Doctrina Christiana Full Text:

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Theme music: 2 Part Invention, composed by Mark Christopher Brandt, performed by Thomas Mirus. ©️2019 Heart of the Lion Publishing Co./BMI. All rights reserved.

James T. Majewski is Vice President of Trinity Communications, Director of Customer Relations for, the “voice” of Catholic Culture Audiobooks, and co-host of Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast. Based in New York City, he holds both a BA in Philosophy and an MFA in Acting. See full bio.

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