Spiritual Reading for the Sacred Triduum and Easter
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Apr 10, 2006
In addition to the excellent Liturgical Year resources we make available at this time of year, our users may benefit from some of the spiritual reading available in the Document Library. The following list begins with this year's message for Lent from Pope Benedict, and then lists appropriate spiritual reading for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter.
Lent in General
Benedict XVI, Christ Made Himself Poor for You (Message for Lent 2008)
Benedict XVI, They Shall Look on Him Whom They Have Pierced (Message for Lent 2007)
Benedict XVI, Jesus at the Sight of the Crowds Was Moved with Pity (Message for Lent 2006)
Holy Thursday
John Paul II, Letter for Holy Thursday 2001 (March 25, 2001)
John Paul II, Last Supper Sets Mystery of Love Before Us (April 18, 2001)
Melito of Sardis, Office of Readings for Thursday of Holy Week (2nd century)
Good Friday
John Paul II, The Cross Is Victory and Salvation (April 7, 1999)
St. Cyril of Jersualem, On the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (4th century)
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, The Divine Romance: The Pulpit Of The Cross (1943)
Holy Saturday
An Ancient Homily, The Lord Descends into Hell (Office of Readings for Holy Saturday)
John Paul II, The Passover of Christ Brings Hope (April 7, 1999)
Vigil and Easter Sunday
John Paul II, Homily for the Easter Vigil (April 14, 2001)
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Awake, and Christ Shall Give You Light! (March 30, 2005)
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, The Divine Romance: Dying And Behold We Live (1943)
Jerome Gassner, The Exsultet (March 23, 1947)
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