something wonderful
By Fr. Wilson ( articles ) | Jun 10, 2003
If you want to see something absolutely wonderful and inspiring, check out the Tyburn Convent site. As you navigate the site, there are several downloads, but it is well, well worth it -- a glimpse at a glorious past and a moment to realize anew what a gift our Catholic Faith really is.
I was in London very briefly 14 years ago, just two nights. We did see a few things -- Westminster Abbey and St Paul's (during Evensong each time, which was lovely) and other things. But an indelible memory was left in my mind by Westminster Cathedral, the Catholic Cathedral of London. It was, literally, like a vast retreat house, people praying simply everywhere, the reverence at Mass, the kindest Priests you'd ever want to meet and the most helpful staff. Celebrating Mass in Westminster Cathedral was like being in heaven. And there were the remains of a priest martyr (was it Andrew Southwell? John Ogilvie?), vested in red Mass vestments, in a glass sarcophagus.
Lots of food for thought in the history of the Faith in our Lady's dowry!
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