Phoenix Again

By ( articles ) | Jun 10, 2003

You know, I honestly don't understand this.

I am a parish Priest. At the moment it becomes clear that my continuing to serve here is detrimental to this parish, I am OUT OF HERE. My continued presence becomes, not pointless, but harmful. Period. I was sent here for the good of the parish, I presume; if I have to leave for the good of the parish, whammo! I'm gone.

Read this editorial from the Arizona Republican.

I am deeply tired of hearing the "Why doesn't the Pope remove these guys" discussion; I don't know the answer to that question. But the prior question is, and ought to be: "Why does the Pope need to? Why don't these guys just go?"

As I have said elsewhere, if you're ordained, there will always be some quiet corner of the Church where you can, by diligent and humble service, put back together the shattered pieces of your reputation and ministry. Not to realize this is to show a breathtaking personal impoverishment. It is more important to be a Christian than a Bishop.

But: Memo to the Pope: Prostrate at the feet of your Holiness, I beg to point out that Bishop O'Brien says that he serves at the pleasure of your Holiness. At the present time, it looks to me as though we labor under a system where the Bishop IS the Church, the Church exists FOR the Bishop. If it's the case that a Bishop needs to go, he needs to go.

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