A Rose for the Assumption

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 15, 2014

How lovely is this Dawn of the everlasting day, who, carried into heaven, seems only to grow in the blessedness of her incomparable glory. May the secrets of eternal sweetness wafting upon those who love her always fill our hearts, and may we always rejoice in the blessings prepared for the souls of her faithful ones.

We are the unworthy children of this glorious Mother, the star of the sea, “fair as the moon, bright as the sun” (Song of Sol. 6:10). Let us attempt great things under her protection, for she will reward even our paltry tenderness with success.

In the Song of Solomon, she says “refresh me with apples” (2:5); we should willingly give her our heart—what other apple could she desire from us? Then God will give us the grace of being face-to-face with her one day, in the benediction of the divine love.

[Extracted from a letter from St. Francis de Sales, as presented in Roses among Thorns, published by Sophia Institute Press.]

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and CatholicCulture.org. See full bio.

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