Quite a turnaround

By Domenico Bettinelli, Jr. ( articles - email ) | Apr 04, 2003

Wasn't it just last year that Cardinal Mahony of LA was castigating Cardinal Law for failing to open his files and cooperate with authorities and that if he had been guilty of that kind of coverup he'd resign his office?

Just yesterday the state of California passed legislation that stalls the statute of limitations on sex abuse prosecution and lawsuits whil Cardinal Mahony stalls on opening his files. He claims the First Amendment protects the confidentiality of personnel files. It's such a lame argument that no one else has tried it to protect similar files. And every court it's been tried in has tossed it out. What's really going on is an attempt to stall and obfuscate until the statute of limitations expires. But lawmakers have called Mahony's bluff. Your move, Your Eminence.

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