Pro-life crowdfunding and Catholic Netflix

By Thomas V. Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Feb 20, 2017 | In On the Good

I’d like to call our readers’ attention to two worthy new enterprises which look to fill significant gaps in the Catholic internet.

First is a pro-life crowdfunding site called WonderWe. At first I wondered what the need for such a site would be, but as it turns out, mainstream sites like GoFundMe and Kickstarter have often taken down pro-life campaigns while allowing pro-abortion ones (even fundraising for a specific individual’s abortion). Of course, you can start a WonderWe campaign for all sorts of projects, not just (in the narrow sense) pro-life ones. I saw campaigns to raise funds for Catholic schools, for earthquake relief, and for individuals’ medical treatment. One more thing—unlike many other crowdfunding sites, WonderWe does not take a percentage of funds raised (though there is a standard, third-party credit card processing fee on each transaction).

There’s also now, for lack of a better description, a Catholic version of Netflix: Formed. An enterprise of the solidly orthodox Augustine Institute, Formed is a monthly subscription service giving access to a plethora of Catholic video, audio and book content. It looks like Formed has an excellent collection of content so far—not just catechesis and apologetics programs, but also a great selection of films. Think the sort of content you’d find in the Ignatius catalogue—CCC cartoons for kids, documentaries about the Church, feature films about saints, etc. There is also a sizable Spanish-language selection. For an individual this costs $9.99 per month (comparable to other streaming sites), but Formed also offers an option for parishes that gives access to all parishioners.

Thomas V. Mirus is President of Trinity Communications and Director of Podcasts for, hosts The Catholic Culture Podcast, and co-hosts Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast. See full bio.

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