Pessimism from the pulpit

By Domenico Bettinelli, Jr. ( articles - email ) | Mar 21, 2003

Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua of Philadelphia has issued a statement concerning the war with Iraq. It is a very defeatist sounding statement. I don't dispute that war has grave consequences, especially for innocent victims. And he does offer prayers for servicemen and women and President Bush. But why haven't I heard a single prayer for victory and the liberation of the people of Iraq from any prelate?

    This is a most unsettling time in our history. With the initiation of war, the future may seem dark and unclear. But we turn to God, who gives us great hope. During this time of strife we plead with our Heavenly Father to bless and protect the United States of America, its people and all people touched by this violence. It is my fervent prayer during this time that all world leaders will recognize what our Holy Father Pope John Paul II has said, "War is always a defeat for humanity." We must never tire in the cause for peace.
Yes, war is hell, but it can result in freedom and a better world. No one can deny that we had a better world after the defeat of fascism.

I'd be curious to see what kinds of statements were issued by US bishops during World War II and whether they were more hopeful than this.

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