paint it black
By ( articles ) | Aug 09, 2005
Frances Kissling of Catholics for a Free Choice trains her attentions on World Youth Day, doing what she does best:
COLOGNE, Germany, Aug. 8 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Today the Condoms4Life Campaign unveiled the newest phase of its public education effort to raise public awareness about the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the devastating effect of the bishops' ban on condoms as giant billboards went up in the Dom (Cathedral) metro station in Cologne, Germany, proclaiming in German, English and Spanish that "Good Catholics Use Condoms." Eye-catching posters will appear throughout the public transit system starting Friday, 12 August.
A dog will foul a patch of alien turf to leave a mark of its incursion. In the same way, and for the same reason, organisms pathologically hostile to the Catholic Church find themselves drawn to Cologne in order to uglify, to the extent possible, the atmosphere of godliness they expect to find there. Needless to say, the WYD theme of Adoration is especially offensive in their nostrils. As Pope Benedict takes his place in the air and sunlight to speak a word of hope to the assembled pilgrims, there's something fitting in the image of CFFC crouching in the mole holes of the subway twilight while they snarl the praises of sterility.
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