My conscience rules. Your conscience is ruled out.
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Mar 02, 2012
Liberal Democratic politicians who identify themselves as “pro-choice” Catholics invariably try to justify their position by saying that they cannot, in good conscience, vote to restrict someone else’s freedoms.
The next time you hear “conscience” invoked by any of the legislators listed below, have a good hearty laugh. Then ask why they should be free to exercise their consciences, when they vote to deny others the same right.
- Senator Mark Begich, Democrat, of Alaska
- Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat, of Washington
- Senator Richard Durbin, Democrat, of Illinois
- Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat, of New York
- Senator Tom Harkin, Democrat, of Iowa
- Senator John Kerry, Democrat, of Massachusetts
- Senator Mary Landrieu, Democrat, of Louisiana
- Senator Pat Leahy, Democrat, of Vermont
- Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat, of Missouri
- Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat, of New Jersey
- Senator Patty Murray, Democrat, of Washington
- Senator Barbara Mikulski, Democrat, of Maryland
- Senator Jack Reed, Democrat, of Rhode Island
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Posted by: John J Plick -
Mar. 03, 2012 10:50 PM ET USA
In the Roman Empire many Christians were slaves and seemed to do just fine. The focus of the Church then was not to create "the perfect world" but rather to save souls and preserve and defend orthodox doctrine. It was by that focus (saving souls) that this society we now live in was created and preserved. This "utopian idolatry" at the expense of souls and doctrine must stop! Leave the country in the hands of God and be the bishops you were called to be!
Posted by: -
Mar. 03, 2012 4:38 PM ET USA
Sorry to admit it,but I keep most of our bishops at arms length.Will they finally start defending the Catholic Church and spread the teachings of Christ ?
Posted by: Leferink557202 -
Mar. 03, 2012 12:17 AM ET USA
With all due respect Mr. Lawler, I think the quotation marks should be put around "Catholic," as in pro-choice "Catholic."
Posted by: -
Mar. 02, 2012 9:40 PM ET USA
Post-Mortem for the Blunt Amendment Against: All Democrats except one Republican, one Independent and one Independent/Democrat. For: All Republicans except three Democrats. Which is the party that respects religious freedom?
Posted by: JimKcda -
Mar. 02, 2012 7:03 PM ET USA
I think the first (public) step may have been when JFK declared his independence from the Bishops with his infamous "seperation of church and state" speech. Everyone thought it was soo reasonable and he was soo wise and good. And the Bishops smiled and nodded their agreement - after all, we were going to get a Catholic President! We sold our birthright for a pot of beans!
Posted by: John J Plick -
Mar. 02, 2012 12:16 PM ET USA
It is NOT funny, and this is NOT a game. Men and women over the past 2000 yrs have endured agonies unto death to affirm and transmit the Faith to us, the current beneficiaries. All of the above are "Catholics" and are flaunting their political power in the faces of the bishops, who seem to value their own political clout over their legitimate ecclesisatical authority. Basically, the bishops are allowing themselves and the Church to be "abused;" And that most certainly includes all of us.