A 'must-read' column by Mark Steyn
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Mar 07, 2012
Just in case you didn’t catch our summary in today’s CWN news headlines, here’s another chance to catch a brilliant column by Mark Steyn entitled “The Church of Big Government.” Steyn explains how liberal social engineers have steadily reduced the sphere of religious freedom, and now the Catholic Church faces a crucial test.
There’s a lot in this column: insights on several different but related topics, revelations about the extent of government encroachment, and a call to action. A quick sample:
Even if you profoundly disagree with Pope Paul VI's predictions that artificial birth control would lead to "conjugal infidelity and the general lowering of morality," the objectification of women, and governments' "imposing upon their peoples" state-approved methods of contraception, or even if you think he was pretty much on the money but that the collective damage they have done does not outweigh the individual freedom they have brought to many, it ought to bother you that in the cause of delegitimizing two millennia of moral teaching the state is willing to intrude on core rights — rights to property, rights of association, even rights to private conversation.
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Posted by: mclom -
Mar. 14, 2019 1:17 PM ET USA
Yes, it would all be comical, if it was not so dreadfully sad. Reams and reams of the obvious being written and said but little to show for it all in terms of spiritually and morally uplifting action.
Posted by: Montserrat -
Mar. 11, 2019 1:50 PM ET USA
"Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, all things are vanity (Eccl. 12:8)." "The last word, when all is heard: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is man's all (Eccl. 12:13)."
Posted by: john5390 -
Mar. 09, 2019 8:17 AM ET USA
Perhaps your readers come here to escape such jejune write ups.
Posted by: Millán Yuso -
Mar. 08, 2019 8:05 PM ET USA
Your native, practiced humility is offended by the realization that your work is more lasting and valuable than anything on offer by that set of “leaders.” As a tonic,, the laconic trad frat boys at TnT and “right between the eyes” journalist at Church Militant might provide temporary relief from the ennui.
Posted by: AgnesDay -
Mar. 08, 2012 11:54 AM ET USA
I agree with everything in Steyn's article. However, I visited Ste-Anne de Beaupre outside Quebec City last year, and there was still a fervent presence. It was there that my prayer for a grandchild was heard. God is still with us. He warned us to expect persecution, and told us to lift up our heads. God gets the last word.
Posted by: thx1688 -
Mar. 08, 2012 9:28 AM ET USA
"...in America as in Europe, the mainstream churches were cheerleaders for the rise of their usurper: the Church of Big Government...This is the world the "social justice" bishops have made." Spot on. If somehow the Bishops succeeds in getting the mandate overturned, I fear it will only be a temporary victory, for as per usual they utterly fail to see or comprehend how they themselves share such a massive amount of the blame for creating this Frankenstein's Monster to begin with.
Posted by: -
Mar. 08, 2012 6:17 AM ET USA
Yes, read it, if you want to be thoroughly depressed.