The Michael Schiavo: Victim tour begins

By ( articles - email ) | Oct 28, 2003

This guy's a real gem. Michael Schiavo told Larry King last night that the only reason that Terri's parents are putting up a fight against him is to get their hands on what remains of the $1.3 million malpractice settlement that Michael's been spending on lawyers trying to starve his wife to death.

Of course, that's the very argument that Bob and Mary Schindler have been advancing against Michael, although they have a much easier time of convincing us. For one thing, Michael was the one who publicly promised during the malpractice trial to spend the money taking care of Terri for the rest of her life, only to turn around after the settlement and immediately begin the process of having her killed off. And Michael is the one who, while still married to Terri, lives with, fathered a child with, and conceived a second with his "fiance." No motive to get rid of an inconvenient wife there. I love his defense: his mistress is completely supportive of his care for Terri. Yeah, care that ends with Terri dead. I'm sure she's a real stand-by-your-man type.

And there's the other little tidbit: Terri's parents actually told Michael that if he'd just turn over Terri's care to them, he could walk away with the money. Which he considered briefly before evidently realizing that such a public act would only confirm most people's impression of him as a heartless monster.

Is anybody buying this dog-and-pony show?

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