Islamic terrorism: the topic only one world leader has addressed
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Apr 05, 2016
"Islamic terrorism." President Obama can't make himself say those words.
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But Obama isn't alone. Pope Francis, too, has been extremely reluctant to mention any connection between Islam and terrorism.
In fact, what world leaders have spoken out frankly on the subject? In the past 15-20 years, as terrorism has spread, which prominent players on the international stage have called upon responsible Muslims to rid their faith of the cancer of violence? Let's make a list:
Can anyone help me out here?
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Posted by: msrsm19887530 -
Apr. 07, 2016 9:28 PM ET USA
President al-Sisi of Egypt boldly criticized Islamic extremism in a speech before religious leaders many of whom were extremists themselves.
Posted by: garedawg -
Apr. 06, 2016 10:20 AM ET USA
I'm guessing that it's obvious to everyone what is behind the terrorism, and the leaders know it, but they don't want to rub it in the face of the Muslims who don't support the terrorism and are already distressed by it.
Posted by: pja -
Apr. 06, 2016 9:38 AM ET USA
Mr. Lawler - sorry, I can't help you out with this one. However if you need a list of those who have called Islam a "religion of peace", that I can provide.
Posted by: Arms of Moses -
Apr. 06, 2016 12:25 AM ET USA
Holy boldness is needed...the words flow easily then, listen...Islamic terrorism---and it is spreading. Yes we need more leaders to call the spade, a spade...If all that happens is more watching, then history will indeed repeat itself...