if she's good enough for the Jesuits...

By ( articles ) | Mar 31, 2010

Christian activists are rightly distressed by President Obama's nomination of Chai Feldblum, a radical lesbian activist, to a seat on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. But it will be tough to persuade the US Senate to block the appointment. Right now Feldblum is a professor at Georgetown Law School. She was judged acceptable as a faculty member at America's oldest Catholic university; why isn't she acceptable as an official of a secular government? 

I know; I know. Georgetown is a Jesuit university; whether it's Catholic in any meaningful sense is another question. Georgetown Law School is the old stomping ground of the late Father Robert Drinan, SJ-- when he wasn't in Congress supporting legislation to protect legal abortion. I'm not arguing in favor of the Feldblum nomination. I'm arguing against Georgetown's faculty-hiring practices.



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