a huge fear for my children

By ( articles ) | Apr 27, 2007

When it comes to discussion of our contemporary ills, some people have the ability to look behind the shrieking headlines and see deeper causes that elude the rest of their fellow citizens. I found the following commentator particularly imaginative:

As I read the paper and watch my TV, trying to take in the tragedy that has befallen the students, parents and faculty of Virginia Tech, I am feeling sick and in shock. I also feel a huge fear for my children. I know and am reminded that I cannot protect them anywhere.

A fairly conventional opening. But read on:

Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist, but I cannot help but look at the history of this kind of violence and link it directly back to the anti abortion movement.


They were the very first people to speak so hatefully and announce with pride their thoughts of justifiable homicide.

Obvious once you think about it. I hear the sound of brows being slapped all across America as the insight hits home. The essay may be studied in its entirety here.

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