How the Common-Core approach conflicts with Catholic teaching
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Dec 06, 2013
The Common Core, Anthony Esolen writes, is “a bag of rotten old ideas doused with disinfectant; its assumptions are hostile to classical and Christian approaches to education; it is starkly utilitarian; its self-promotion is sludged up with edu-lingo, thick with verbiage and thin in thought; its drafters have forgotten, if they ever knew, what it is to be a child.”
But leave all that aside. Esolen has a more serious objection to the Common Core: the presumption that the education of children is the responsibility of the government, not parents. Which, of course, is what the Catholic Church has always taught, and still teaches.
Read this short, powerful essay, and ask yourself why any Catholic diocese would ever consider adopting the Common Core.
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Posted by: Retired01 -
Oct. 12, 2017 4:42 PM ET USA
The conference at Boston College is a clear indication that those who dissent from Catholic teaching are getting organized with the intention of further propagating their agenda within the American Catholic Church. It is worth noticing that many of the conference participants have been put in position of authority by Pope Francis, while at least one, Fr. Spadoro, is one of his close confidants.
Posted by: fenton1015153 -
Oct. 12, 2017 7:20 AM ET USA
The priestly identity crisis may be due in large part to orientation. When celebration of the Mass is done Versus populum or facing the people the priest will have his focus challenged. He will feel pulled to 'play to the audience' rather than have his full attention on Jesus. It would be interesting to compare priestly ministry as a function of the two liturgical orientations. Also, need to compare lay worship under both orientations. I would bet there is a correlation.
Posted by: shrink -
Oct. 11, 2017 5:22 PM ET USA
But in the new magisterium of Francis, there is a focus on the Eucharist for the "poor." The new "poor" were those made so by the Pharisees w/in the Catholic Church who insisted on that ugly word "adultery". Before Francis, they were unjustly labeled as adulterers. It is these "irregulars" who now deserve reception of the Eucharist. The symbolism of this new magisterium is that there is no more adultery. Just as the gays banished sodomy, so Francis banishes adultery, in the name of inclusion.
Posted by: Defender -
Dec. 06, 2013 1:53 PM ET USA
Most bishops rely on their education dept. to handle these things. Most are intransigent in viewpoint and direction - like the NCEA, they know best. They have favorites in textbook publishers and control the hiring and promotions of teachers (though in K-8, the pastors have nominal control) and have a preference for certain schools. Common Core subverted Catholic education with the Gates' money to NCEA and the millions given to the Cristo Rey Network. Parents and teachers were not consulted.