By ( articles ) | Nov 07, 2007
Amy Welborn) links an interesting series of posts by Will Duquette relating his Catholic childhood, Anglican young adulthood, and recent "reversion" to the Catholic Church. The crisis that resulted in his return to the Church (and in his wife's conversion) had its beginnings in the Gene Robinson gay bishop controversy. But as Duquette tells his story, his return wasn't primarily the result of a negative reaction to Gene Robinson but rather a gradual dissatisfaction with the notion of "biblical orthodoxy" that he (and other devout Anglicans) used to shore up their resistance. Worth a read.
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Posted by: Chestertonian -
Dec. 11, 2009 1:55 AM ET USA
With hot wars in two nations, an economy tanked by the actions of the current WH, and a disastrous healthcare policy on the horizon--really, doesn't it seem these folks-on both sides of the case- should have more important things to worry about?! But, I have to agree with the Sioux, the name is no insult, and changing it will probably cost big $$ to UND, which relates back to my opening volley.
Posted by: unum -
Dec. 10, 2009 3:49 PM ET USA
Political correctness is pseudo-morality for a secular society.
Posted by: bugbyte1243319 -
Dec. 09, 2009 9:16 PM ET USA
Thomas More College in Kentucky asked alumni to offer suggestions to replace "Rebels." I suggested "Thomas More S'Mores." I even wrote a cheer: "When the going gets tough, we turn yellow, we've got the spines of melted marshmallow."
Posted by: Gil125 -
Dec. 09, 2009 3:27 PM ET USA
This Indian thing is, of course, the silliest of all political correctnesses. You name a team for someone or something you admire. Mariners, Giants, Yankees, Vikings, Forty-Niners, Lions, Tigers, Eagles, Broncos. Senators, for some inexplicable reason. Even, mirabile dictu, Patriots, Padres, Angels and Saints.
Posted by: -
Dec. 09, 2009 1:52 PM ET USA
Just as well. If he had said pedestal, pedophiles are even touchier.