Homage to Old Mother Damnable, the CofE
By Fr. Wilson ( articles ) | Feb 12, 2004
With a deep bow to the Church of England – jfw
“The Three Wise Men who brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus may not have been particularly wise and could have been women, the Church of England has ruled.
We Dumb Chicks from Orient are.
Mentally though we’re below par.
We, gum-snapping,
Know what’s happening:
We’re following that Star.
[Refrain] O! When the bar scene gets too old,
When old flames have blown out cold,
Up you jump,
Behind the hump
And wander out to parts untold.
[Gidget] Born a babe, as surely you see,
Why sit home and watch MTV??
Something’s out there
(YUCK! Sand in my hair)
There’s a Babe there for me!
Pepper] With a heel dig, and with a poke,
(Oh! Another fingernail broke!)
Wow, this mammal
Is a Camel,
but One that you cannot smoke.
[Britney] I’m the one who brought all the stuff;
Lugging it has really been tough:
Nose-stud, earrings;
Now I’m hearing
The play station was enough.
[All] Soon, we’ve got to stop for a break!
There’s just so much three girls can take!
This ain’t Reno;
A casino
Really would soothe our aches!
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