Good enough to print twice
By Peter Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | May 11, 2012
It is worth pulling this excerpt out of a recent In Depth Analysis article (Subsidiarity: What It Really Means) and letting it have its own space. Dr. Jeff Mirus writes:
How often have we heard a bishop or a mainstream Catholic university faculty, in the course of political, social and economic commentary, offer any prescription or recommendation which suggests that they pay anything more than lip service, if even that, to the principle of subsidiarity?
In my own survey of such comments, critiques and proposals over a period of more than forty years, I would say that these opinion leaders have until recently spoken almost entirely in terms of the principle of solidarity (also misunderstood, by the way, as something that can be enforced by government), while the principle of subsidiarity has been completely ignored. And now that the latter principle is being so forcefully raised in competing circles, it seems that some in the Catholic establishment are starting to attempt a redefinition to escape its consequences.
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Posted by: [email protected] -
Jan. 05, 2019 3:56 AM ET USA
Unless the issues of coverups by bishops and the homosexual issues amongst priests and bishops are fully discussed and the resignation of known guilty priests and bishops, credibility will be by the wayside with a loss of many souls. St Michael protect us.
Posted by: fenton1015153 -
Dec. 31, 2018 8:39 PM ET USA
This meeting must deliver on expectations for Bishops, priests and lay church workers. It must be clear and verifiable on all people. There is no surplus good will left for many catholics. This must be done right and I believe Pope Francis knows this but is not wanting a public policy that holds the Church accountable. He will once again deny Christ if he fails to deliver. If he fails will he ask for forgiveness or 'hang' himself?