From the annals of a civilization in decay...

By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | May 04, 2017

Which of these news stories is more frightening:

  • A recorded episode of an “educational” television show by Bill Nye has been altered, removing a statement of scientific fact—that chromosomes determine gender—which has now become politically incorrect. Nye, who advertises himself as “the Science Guy,” is now willing to accept the argument that gender is a social construct. So he has changed his views about chromosomes: not on the basis of scientific evidence, but because of political developments. Dr. Lysenko, call your office.
  • Perhaps even more important, the archives of a television show have been edited to eliminate the evidence that Nye’s views have changed. How far away is the time when censors will go through libraries, blacking out passages of old texts? By the way, keep in mind that if you have purchased books in electronic format, Amazon can do this to your books right now.
  • A site designed for parents carries a thoroughly sympathetic feature on parents who, having conceived two children by in-vitro fertilization, have transformed the discarded embryos into costume jewelry. The article even describes the embryos as the couple’s “babies,” yet appears to see nothing immoral—nothing even distasteful—in using their tiny little corpses for decoration. This story, too, grows worse: there is an Australian company specializing in this ghoulish form of exploitation. You, too, can use your children as consumer goods, if you choose to deny them the right to life!

Phil Lawler has been a Catholic journalist for more than 30 years. He has edited several Catholic magazines and written eight books. Founder of Catholic World News, he is the news director and lead analyst at See full bio.

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