Former Israeli ambassador explains how to make 'two-state solution' realistic
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Feb 25, 2015
Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the US, has a refreshing perspective on Israel-Palestine peace prospects in today’s Wall Street Journal.
International leaders call for a “two-state solution,” Oren writes. But neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority can accept a “two-state solution” under current conditions. Israel cannot surrender its own security and accept the independence of a corrupt and hostile Palestinian state. And that Palestinian state would not be economically viable without including some Israeli territory: notably the port city of Haifa.
Rather than continuing to ask both sides to accept the unacceptable, Oren suggests building on a framework that already exists. Palestinians already have some political autonomy; they could be given more. Trade relations are already in place; they could be strengthened. Israelis and Palestinians could cooperate on development projects.
Last summer, Oren reports, Palestinians on the West Bank declined to join an uprising in Gaza because “they felt they had too much to lose.” When Palestinians in general feel that they have too much to lose by attacks on Israel, and when Israelis realize that they have much to gain by helping to develop a stable and secure Palestinian state, the “two-state solution” will become a real possibility.
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Posted by: fenton1015153 -
Feb. 26, 2015 9:58 AM ET USA
A two state solution would have a great beginning by forcing Israel to stop killing the Palestinians in Gaza. The UN has been very clear to Israel regarding this. The next step would be to have America insist that Israel adopt a non-aggressive posture toward Palestinians in Gaza and allow trade to happen in Gaza. Gaza is not a threat to Israel but the same cannot be said about Israel not being a threat to Gaza.