the dice aren't straight either
By (
) | Mar 24, 2010
The official, authorized, expert studies of the sex-abuse crisis in the US have discerned "no clear pattern of homosexual behavior."
It's odd, therefore, that the latest statistics continue to show that over 80% of the victims are males. Of course we've been instructed:
Sure. If you're in the habit of performing random sexual acts, some of them will be homosexual acts. And if you're playing dice, you might roll sevens several times in a row. It happens. But if you're playing dice with someone, and the number that he needs keeps turning up, more than 4 out of 5 times, how long would you keep playing with him? Because if you kept playing, eventually you'd be bankrupt.
Which, come to think of it, is just what's happening to the American Catholic hierarchy.
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