34—Cyril of Jerusalem: Mystery and Mayhem
By Mike Aquilina ( bio - articles - email ) | Feb 24, 2021 | In Way of the Fathers (Podcast)
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Cyril served as bishop during ugly times. The Church was divided, and suspicion was universal. He suffered false accusation, conspiracy, and exile. Yet he was able to see supernatural beauty shining through natural signs in the Church’s liturgy: bread and wine, oil and water, breath and gesture. He is history’s great practitioner of the art of mystagogy—guidance in the sacramental mysteries. His lectures, in fact, cover all the basics of Christian life: creed, commandments, prayer, and sacraments. Eyewitnesses tell us that his hearers applauded when he taught. His lectures still edify and entertain more than a millennium and a half after their first delivery.
Free audiobooks of Cyril’s Catecheses https://www.catholicculture.org/search/search.cfm?searchgoals=6&andsearch=Cyril%20audiobooks
Cyril of Jerusalem, Procatechesis https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/fathers/view.cfm?recnum=2408
Cyril of Jerusalem, On Baptism https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/fathers/view.cfm?recnum=2428
Cyril of Jerusalem, On the Body and Blood of Christ https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/fathers/view.cfm?recnum=2430
Cyril of Jerusalem, On the Sacred Liturgy and Communion https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/fathers/view.cfm?recnum=2431
Mike Aquilina’s website https://fathersofthechurch.com
Mike Aquilina’s books https://catholicbooksdirect.com/writer/mike-aquilina/
Theme music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed http://www.ccwatershed.org
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Posted by: tenriverbend2769 -
Feb. 24, 2021 6:13 PM ET USA
The implicit message: Cyril, Bishop for our time. The representation of Protestant and Traditional Catholic objections, on different grounds, is not surprising in the former's instance and, for me, beckons deeper reflection re the latter's. It also invites the listener to inquire into the extent to which "traditional Catholics" take issue with Cyril. And for that matter, what do "Modernists" make of Cyril? Do they "erase" him?