Archbishop O'Brien Forced to Back Down & Recant
By ( articles ) | Oct 10, 2003
Cardinal-designate Archbishop Keith O'Brien (of St. Andrews-Edinburgh) shocked many ingenuous Catholics when, almost immediately after the announcement of his elevation, he called for "dialogue" on Church teaching regarding contraception, clerical celibacy, and homosexuality. He didn't get away with it. Yesterday he made, as is customary, the standard act of faith required of all bishops. However, with his elbow twisted into his ear (by several Vatican heavies, according to well-founded rumor), he also made the following unique ad hoc profession:
I further state that I accept and intend to defend the law on ecclesiastical celibacy as it is proposed by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church; I accept and promise to defend the ecclesiastical teaching about the immorality of the homosexual act; I accept and promise to promulgate always and everywhere what the Church's Magisterium teaches on contraception. So help me God and these Holy Scriptures which I touch with my hand.
Does he believe any of it? Probably not. He's a "team player." But it's somewhat reassuring to know that someone still found it necessary to make him swallow his cocky dissent.
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