Catholic World News

Compared: new books by Pope Benedict, Hans Küng

March 24, 2011

Samuel Gregg of the Acton Institute contrasts the new books by two theologians whose lives have crossed several times: Pope Benedict XVI and Hans Küng. The comparison is not flattering to Küng.

In the 2nd volume of his work Jesus of Nazareth, the Holy Father shows the breadth of his theological vision, Gregg says. Küng, on the other hand, shows a dogged insistence on his own personal agenda:

So what is Kung’s book focused upon? In a word, power. For Kung, it’s all about power – especially papal power – and the need for lay Catholics to seize power if the Church is to be “saved” from sinister Roman reactionaries who have perverted Christianity for centuries.

Gregg adds that although Küng claims to promote a new vision for Catholic leadership, in fact his theories have been tried for years, and have contributed to a series of pastoral disasters.


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  • Posted by: Obregon - Mar. 25, 2011 1:24 AM ET USA

    I still do not understand why Kung is taken seriously anywhere. Frankly, he should have been excommunicated long ago.