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Catholic Culture Resources
Catholic World News

In Australia, Cardinal Burke assails abortion, 'culture of death'

March 16, 2011

Cardinal Raymond Burke denounced “the plague of procured abortion, the wholesale murder of the unborn in the womb,” in an address to an Australian audience.

The American cardinal, who now heads the Apostolic Signatura, spoke of the need to “make clear the relationship between the practice of the virtues of purity, chastity and modesty--that is the living of the truth regarding human sexuality and human life--and the practice of justice.” In a sweeping indictment of the ‘culture of death,’ he spoke out against embryonic stem-cell research, euthanasia, and the redefinition of marriage.

The Age, in its heavily colored coverage of the cardinal’s speech, made the curious remark that Cardinal Burke “holds narrow views on the Mass.” The paper was referring to recent comments in which the cardinal had said that liturgical abuses are corrosive to the faith.


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