Catholic World News

Parents, administrators angry after archbishop bans paddling in school

March 08, 2011

Parents, alumni, and administration of a predominantly African-American Catholic high school in New Orleans are angry that Archbishop Gregory Aymond and the superior general of the Josephite order have banned corporal punishment at the school.

“I do not believe the teachings of the Catholic Church, as we interpret them today in 2011, can possibly condone corporal punishment” in a school setting, said Archbishop Aymond. “I believe in my conscience that this is not in line with the values of Jesus.”

Some 600 students and alumni attended a town hall meeting to oppose the change; alumni discussed how paddling had a positive impact on their character development. “Many expressed outrage that African-American parents [have] to haggle with non-African Americans about how to raise their own sons,” according to a statement issued by the school.


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  • Posted by: Anselm - Mar. 09, 2011 11:09 AM ET USA

    The Archbishop is following the Guidelines of the Dallas Charter and state law. St. Augustine school has been in violation. The Archbishop is doing his job.

  • Posted by: AgnesDay - Mar. 09, 2011 10:32 AM ET USA

    I know the difference between paddling and brutality. Most sane people (including school principals) do. Cases of abuse should be dealth with as they occur. May of the St. Augustine families are alums of the school. The students also support the standing policy. That should tell the Archbishop something.

  • Posted by: hartwood01 - Mar. 08, 2011 11:49 PM ET USA

    What are these parents thinking? They want their children beaten? How about some home discipline? Believe me, I witnessed the glasses knocked off the face of my 5th grade classmate by an ill-tempered nun in the 50's. Jesus' love really shone thru there! Sadly,the child's behavior is reflective of what is going on at home,and beating that child is not the answer. Do not give school authorities that kind of power.

  • Posted by: Gil125 - Mar. 08, 2011 3:05 PM ET USA

    Has his Excellency ever read Proverbs 13:24 or 23:13-14?

  • Posted by: AgnesDay - Mar. 08, 2011 11:27 AM ET USA

    Perhaps Archbishop Aymond would benefit from reading the Letter to the Hebrews about chastisement and children. I hope the family of St. Augustine will hang tough.