Germany: theologians call for women’s ordination, lend support to homosexual partnerships
February 04, 2011
One third of the Catholic theology professors in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have signed a declaration calling for women’s ordination and lamenting “traditionalism” in the liturgy.
The 144 signatories note that the last year has been one of “unprecedented crisis” for the Church in Germany because of the sexual abuse scandal. Referring ten times to “freedom”-- including “the freedom of the Gospel message,” “the biblical message of freedom,” and “freedom of conscience”-- the signatories call for married priests, women’s ordination, and lay participation in the election of bishops and priests. The theologians also urge Church leaders “not to exclude” those who have remarried and those in homosexual partnerships.
The Church’s worship, the theologians add, must not “freeze in traditionalism.”
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Further information:
- Catholic theologians call for an end to compulsory celibacy (Deutsche Welle)
- Theologen gegen den Zölibat (Suddeutsche Zeitung)
- Memorandum der Theologen: "Kirche 2011: Ein notwendiger Aufbruch" (Suddeutsche Zeitung)
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Posted by: -
Feb. 05, 2011 12:03 AM ET USA
Their response to an "unprecedented crisis" is the well-trodden Protestant path to disintegration and shortly dissolution?! That's it?! What's their benchmark of institutional success, the Anglicans?! Call me when they realize they have supplanted their religion with their politics and have recanted. This kind of reasoning - the Church ought to double-down on "progressive reforms" - completely ignores any correlation between the "reforms" of the last 40 years and the "unprecedented crisis".
Posted by: annedanielson4099 -
Feb. 04, 2011 11:29 PM ET USA
The message of Fatima, or a coincidence?
Posted by: voxfem -
Feb. 04, 2011 9:01 PM ET USA
Dermot10, Because if it were allowed there wouldn't be a scandal, of course. Why do these theologians always focus on freedom from God and his laws instead of freedom to respond to God and his laws?
Posted by: -
Feb. 04, 2011 7:09 PM ET USA
Wasn't it a third of the angels were cast out of heaven? Coincidence?
Posted by: -
Feb. 04, 2011 7:00 PM ET USA
Maybe I am not bright enough, but I always struggle to make the connection between the mainly homosexual priest abuse scandal and changing the Church doctrine on... homosexuality... That's a solution... because???
Posted by: lauriem5377 -
Feb. 04, 2011 6:25 PM ET USA
There are 2 spiritual works of mercy that can be applied here: Instruct the ignorant and counsel the doubtful Where also is obedience to the church in matters of faith?
Posted by: DCpa -
Feb. 04, 2011 6:09 PM ET USA
Hey! Even in Germany, two thirds of the theologians did NOT sign!
Posted by: DCpa -
Feb. 04, 2011 6:06 PM ET USA
They've done such a "great job" in these countries in recent years with promoting dedication to the Church and general spiritual fervor… By their fruits we know them. Consequently, forgive me if I fail to be impressed by their ersatz moral authority. I'll stick with Pope Benedict, and take his track record – and that of John Paul – any time over these blind guides.
Posted by: Gil125 -
Feb. 04, 2011 4:58 PM ET USA
What part of Ordinatio sacerdotalis don't these guys understand?
Posted by: -
Feb. 04, 2011 3:45 PM ET USA
This type of self serving is typical! Recall the trouble Moses had with the people who erected the Golden Calf and gave themselves permission to have a good time whilst he was talking with God on the mountain. The Ten Commandments were handed down nonetheless and they....well I believe the earth opened up for them!
Posted by: Lucius49 -
Feb. 04, 2011 12:56 PM ET USA
umpynelson below has it right. A misguided optimism reflected in Bl John XXIII's medicine of mercy speech has brought harm to the Church. His successors have not departed from this decision to refrain from disciplining false teachers hence the Church is heavily infiltrated with a fifth column of infidelity/apostasy/moral deviance. This is not mercy or charity but rather its failure.Charity demands fraternal correction and the protection of the flock from wolves. We need a sea change in Rome!
Posted by: umpynelson3459 -
Feb. 04, 2011 12:10 PM ET USA
Pope John xxiii opened the windows to give the Church a bit of fresh air. Now I think it's time for Pope Benedict xvi to start sweeping out the piles of dirt.
Posted by: rjdobie9424 -
Feb. 04, 2011 11:48 AM ET USA
It would be interesting to know what the average age is of these hipster theologians who are oh-so anti-traditional and "with it." I'm guessing a figure in the 60's. If there is anything I've learned in my 44 years is that a self-described "free-thinker" is always anything but and that so-called "rebels" are always those most invested in the status-quo.
Posted by: Hal -
Feb. 04, 2011 11:44 AM ET USA
Wow! Follow the Church of England and the Protestant brethren! Look how well it's working for them today! Just more dyspeptic academics with tenure. T'was ever thus. Sounds like the Notre Dame faculty was exported to Germany, or vice versa!
Posted by: ltoscan2645 -
Feb. 04, 2011 10:28 AM ET USA
I hear the Church of England is looking for more theologians, perhaps this "unhappy" one third, should look into applying. But seriously, this is a clear indication of how badly things have fallen off the rails with these intellectual elites. How can these professors honestly call themselves Catholic and hold such views is beyond me, they they the meaning of intellectual honesty. Where are the bishops, where is the Vatican, where is our Holy Father on this?