Bishop: pro-abortion governor will evangelize the state
January 03, 2011
New York’s new governor and lieutenant governor, Andrew Cuomo and Bob Duffy, attended Sunday Mass at Albany’s cathedral, where Bishop Howard Hubbard preached that the work of government was an aspect of evangelization. Cuomo and Sandra Lee, described by the New York Daily News as his “live-in girlfriend,” sat in the front pew.
“We know they, over the next four years, will be deeply immersed in the work of evangelization by bringing about the transformation of our state and our society, and we assure them of our prayers, of our support and of our best wishes for challenges they will face,” Bishop Hubbard said.
Both Cuomo and Duffy are Catholics who support legalized abortion; Cuomo received Holy Communion at the Mass.
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Further information:
- Cuomo goes to Mass, then back to work (Albany Times Union)
- On second day in office, Cuomo attends church with daughters and Sandra Lee (New York Daily News)
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Posted by: dover beachcomber -
Feb. 25, 2011 1:24 AM ET USA
Note how the Bishop says Andy and Sandra will be evangelizing: "... by bringing about the transformation of our state and our society." Ah, yes, that Progressive "fundamental transformation" that our pro-abortion President is so fond of talking about. Too bad. The Bishop has traded his real purpose, the saving of the souls of his flock, for the illusory and short-lived goals of politics.
Posted by: -
Jan. 04, 2011 10:44 PM ET USA
The really sad part about this is that the Faithful are totally ignorant of what is going on. I know well as I am in his Diocese. It's really sad when you can't get your Bishop to help in the Right to Life campaign. No 40 Days for life. Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. He has been in bed with the pro-Aborts for a long time. I sure wouldn't want to be in his shoes when he has to meet Jesus.
Posted by: mgreen32234 -
Jan. 04, 2011 10:01 AM ET USA
Cuomo lives with his girlfriend, advocates for homosexual marriage and is pro-abortion. Will Hubbard perform gay marriages in the Church if Cuomo has his way with the law? Both of these men should go to confession or send back their baptismal certificates.
Posted by: samuel.doucette1787 -
Jan. 04, 2011 9:24 AM ET USA
"I think both Duffy and Cuomo take off their Catholic identity as they walk out of the church. Such blatant hypocrisy!!" Actually I think Bishop Hubbard (when can he retire?) also takes off his Catholic identity when he enters and leaves a church.
Posted by: unum -
Jan. 04, 2011 6:44 AM ET USA
Why single Coumo and Hubbard out for attention? The examples of Catholics who do not take their faith seriously, clergy and laity alike, are all around us. Until we revert to orthodox Catholicism and stop attracting those Catholics who are seeking "feel good" Christianity, our Church and its members can not show Christ to those around us. ...and Jesus wept.
Posted by: happyseaotter8027 -
Jan. 04, 2011 12:04 AM ET USA
And why is Bishop Hubbard saying that "we" will support their efforts with prayers? He should be reminding Duffy and Cuomo of the Church's stance on abortion; not trying to make them feel warm and fuzzy about their "evangelization." Shame on all of them; the bishop included.
Posted by: happyseaotter8027 -
Jan. 04, 2011 12:01 AM ET USA
How can a Catholic who publicly supports abortion have the nerve to receive the Eucharist? How deeply does one have to be in the politics of abortion before one is excommunicated? Cuomo is also engaged in fornication. I think both Duffy and Cuomo take off their Catholic identity as they walk out of the church. Such blatant hypocrisy!!
Posted by: -
Jan. 03, 2011 11:49 PM ET USA
Whilst I don't know these gentlemen personally, I have to ask: How can you be truly Catholic when you support abortion?
Posted by: WICatholic -
Jan. 03, 2011 10:52 PM ET USA
"Live in gf"... pro-abortion....and this is good?
Posted by: stpetric -
Jan. 03, 2011 8:46 PM ET USA
Supporting the marriage discipline is one of the handful of the traditional "precepts of the Church." Gov. Cuomo is not only pro-abortion, but also flouts Christian teaching on marriage -- and still receives Communion? He should be counseled by the bishop not to receive, not as an exercise of political authority, but out of pastoral concern for the governor's soul.
Posted by: -
Jan. 03, 2011 7:35 PM ET USA
Yet another bishop makes a fool of himself by accepting to be made a fool of by a catholic pol.
Posted by: New Sister -
Jan. 03, 2011 7:19 PM ET USA
And don't forget pro-"gay pride" parades, too... having this situation validated by a Bishop at the most Sacred of moment of our life (the Holy Mass) is beyond scandalous... it's utterly repulsive and profane.
Posted by: -
Jan. 03, 2011 4:51 PM ET USA
How can someone transform society if they've already begun living a scandalous life worthy of pagan acclaim? Who or what will they transform? And into what will they transform it?
Posted by: michaelwilmes -
Jan. 03, 2011 12:16 PM ET USA
October 2013 cannot get here quick enough. I maintain Hubbard is more of a threat than that ignoramus Cuomo.