Catholic World News

Vatican newspaper turns to US conservative think tank to analyze Trump’s victory

January 21, 2025

» Continue to this story on L'Osservatore Romano (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican newspaper—which customarily turns to Italian academics to analyze American politics, with sometimes amusing results—turned to the policy director of an American conservative think tank to analyze President Donald Trump’s election victory.

In an article for the January 20 edition of the Vatican newspaper, Chris Griswold, policy director of American Compass, wrote that “if international observers want to understand what is happening in American politics and why Donald Trump is back in the White House, it may be helpful to know that America’s political, economic, and business elites have often failed to ask what those words [independence, opportunity, and freedom] mean to working-class Americans and their families.”

“The American ideal requires community cohesion, a cohesion that is too often lacking,” he continued. “It is rootedness and connection that Americans most desire, not economic and social advancement. Too often, they experience the opposite, as financial pressures rob them of the ability to invest in their most important relationships.”

Griswold added:

The degradation of family and community cohesion, economic security, and social stability by the choices of the American elite is the broad context in which American politics now operates. And so is the contempt that the same elite has continued to show for the expressions of discontent by working-class Americans over this failure. This is a recipe for political upheaval.

American Compass, according to its website, seeks to develop “the conservative economic agenda to supplant blind faith in free markets with a focus on workers, their families and communities, and the national interest.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: feedback - Jan. 21, 2025 6:37 PM ET USA

    Trump's second election victory took place on November 5, 2024, which was publicly known the next day. It's rather strange that the L'Osservatore Romano waited till the Inauguration Day with its "victory analysis."