Catholic World News

Biden administration: no prosecution for attacks on churches

December 20, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Although the number of attacks on churches has soared in recent months, the Biden administration has not prosecuted a single case, hearings by the House Judiciary Committee have confirmed.

The Freedom of Access to Clinics (FACE) legislation, which was passed in 1994 to safeguard abortion clinics, also included penalties for anyone who “intentionally damages or destroys the property of a place of religious worship.” But the Biden administration has not pursued church vandals under that law, despite hundreds of such incidents in the past year.

Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, the chairman of the House committee, noted that the Justice Department has brought FACE charges in 24 cases, of which only two involved attacks on pregnancy-help centers. “To this day,” he observed, “the FACE act has never been used in defense of a church since it was passed in 1994.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: grateful1 - Dec. 20, 2024 6:51 PM ET USA

    I deplore not just the hypocritically selective abuse of the FACE Act, but also the fact that these vandalized churches rarely seek prosecution of even violent criminals. Surely, that's not what Christ meant when He insisted we "turn the other cheek," castigated the money-changers who defiled the temple, & instructed us to be "wise as serpents," while remaining "harmless as doves." Our shepherds are supposed to protect the sheep, not throw them to the wolves.