Catholic World News

Germans plan new approach to ‘Synodal Council’

December 17, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: German Catholic leaders began planning for a new national decision-making body at a meeting this week.

Although the Vatican has rejected a German proposal for a “Synodal Council” that would include lay people as well as bishops and would propose national policies, the organizers of the “Synodal Path” are exploring new ideas for a similar body.

Irme Stetter-Karp, the president of the Central Committee of German Catholics, who co-chairs the German synodal committee, says that she expects “participation on equal footing, decision-making among equals, and joint representation of these decisions in public.”

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  • Posted by: feedback - Dec. 17, 2024 12:40 PM ET USA

    The obligatory 9% church tax (Kirchensteuer) makes the local German Church extremely wealthy without direct duty to evangelize or do actual Catholic pastoral work. The only real pressure to correct the German Bishops, when needed, would have to come from the Vatican. But the Vatican under Francis also needs serious corrections. Pray for the Church!