Catholic World News

Be shepherds according to the Heart of Christ, Pope tells Spanish seminarians

December 13, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received members of a Spanish seminary on December 12 and told them that the aim of priestly formation is “to become shepherds of the People of God, shepherds forged according to the measure of the Heart of Christ, humble and merciful.”

“Do not be afraid to open your heart to the Lord and allow yourselves to be accompanied by Him, so that He may shape your lives,” the Pope said to seminarians from the St. James the Apostle Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Galicia (map).

“Do not forget, moreover, that along the way you will meet many different people, some of whom may be going through difficult times, are wounded or do not know God,” the Pope continued. “Be witnesses of the joy of the Gospel for all of them, give them the Lord’s tenderness and consolation of the Lord so that he may heal their sores along the way.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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