Catholic World News

Vatican ‘foreign minister’ invokes ‘spirit of Helsinki’

December 06, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: In an address to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Archbishop Richard Gallagher, the secretary for relations with states, expressed “great concern” about the divisions within the OSCE, saying that it is “crucial to preserve the organization.”

The need for the strong voice of the OSCE is acute today, the archbishop said, at a time marked by “breakdown of mutual trust between some participating States, an increase in ideological aggression, and a flagrant disregard” for the principles on which the OSCE was established.

Those principles, the Vatican’s “foreign minister” said, reflected a recognition “that peace is not merely the absence of war or the maintenance of a balance of power, but rather the fruit of friendly relations, constructive dialogue and co-operation among states in upholding obligations under international law and respect for all universal human rights.”

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