Catholic World News

Conference examines Holy See’s assistance to Jews during Holocaust

December 03, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Hungarian embassy to the Holy See, in collaboration with the Hungarian National Archives, the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest, and the Hungarian Academy in Rome, recently organized a conference on the Holy See’s assistance to Jews during Holocaust.

Cardinal Péter Erdő of Esztergom-Budapest and two Hungarian rabbis were among the opening speakers.

“Many people of Jewish origin found refuge from persecution and deprivation of rights thanks to the Holy See, which did not abandon them,” said Krisztina Tóth, the embassy official who organized the conference. Matteo Luigi Napolitano, a professor at the University of Molise, examined the rescue work done by Archbishop Angelo Rotta, the apostolic nuncio in Hungary, and his assistant, the future Archbishop Gennaro Verolino.

Other speakers examined the work of Archbishop Andrea Cassulo, the apostolic nuncio in Bucharest, to prevent the deportation of Romanian Jews, as well as statements by Slovakia’s bishops on behalf of Jews. Father Landry Védrenne, MEP, of the Institut Catholique de Paris said that 60 French bishops were involved in rescuing Jews, with six bishops speaking publicly on their behalf.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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