Catholic World News

Ukrainians are ‘tired and without hope,’ foreign priest says

December 03, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: “Psychologically, people are tired, very scared, and without hope,” a Brazilian priest who ministers in Kyiv, Ukraine, said of the situation there.

“We go to sleep to the sound of sirens, and we wake up to the sound of sirens and bombings. The sirens sound non-stop,” said Father Lucas Perozzi. “For the first six months, we used to run to the bunkers, but not anymore. When our time comes, it will come. Only God knows the hour.”

He added:

Our mission is to spread the Gospel, but it isn’t easy. People need hope; they need God, the sacred. Nothing consoles them anymore. They have given up searching. They have become apathetic, disillusioned.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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