Catholic World News

Pope meets with French lawmakers, reflects on education, end-of-life care

December 02, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis received lawmakers and government officials from southern France on November 30 and offered reflections on education and end-of-life care, seven months after the Macron administration proposed the legalization of euthanasia.

Pope Francis spoke of “the urgency of offering young people an education that guides them towards the needs of others and rewards the sense of effort.” He explained that “Involving young people, involving them in the real world, in a visit to the elderly or to disabled people, a visit to the poor or migrants, this opens them to the joy of hospitality and giving.”

The Pope added:

I also hope that, with your contribution too, the debate on the essential question of the end of life can be conducted in truth. It is a matter of accompanying life to its natural end through a more extensive development of palliative care.

As you know, people at the end of life need to be supported by assistants who are faithful to their vocation, which is that of providing assistance and relief even while not being able to cure. Words are not always necessary, but taking a sick person by the hand, taking them by the hand, this does a great deal of good and not only to the sick person, but to us too.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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