Catholic World News

Pope arrives in Luxembourg, beginning new trip

September 26, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis arrived in Luxembourg on Thursday morning, September 26, beginning his 46th foreign voyage.

After an early flight from Rome the Pontiff was greeted at the airport, paid a courtesy visit on the Grand Duke, met with the prime minister, and addressed a meeting of political leaders.

At that meeting the Pope said that Luxembourg can serve the world as an “important crossroads of cultures.” He went on to say:

Luxembourg can show everyone the advantages of peace as opposed to the horrors of war... and the benefits of cooperation between nations as opposed to the harmful consequences of hardening positions and the selfish and short-sighted or even violent pursuit of one’s own interests.

After an afternoon meeting with Catholics at the cathedral of Notre Dame, the Pope was scheduled to continue on to Brussels, the next stop on his itinerary, where his flight was due to arrive early in the evening.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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