Catholic World News

Pope Francis: May Eucharistic devotion help make us like Simon of Cyrene

September 10, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: In a video message for the International Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador, Pope Francis said that the “Fathers of the Church already told us that the sign of bread kindles in the People of God the desire for brotherhood, since, just as bread cannot be made with just a single grain, so we too must walk together.”

The Pontiff then discussed how Venerable Angela Autsch’s Eucharistic devotion helped her inspire others to resist Nazi tyranny.

Her “gestures make us more aware of the fact that, if one member suffers, all the body suffers with him; they help us become Cyrenians of Christ, who took upon Himself the weight of the world’s suffering to heal the world”—a reference to St. Simon of Cyrene, who carried Jesus’ Cross.

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