Catholic World News

Harris leads Trump among Catholic voters, poll shows

September 06, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Vice President Kamala Harris enjoys a substantial edge over former president Donald Trump among Catholic voters, according to a poll conducted by EWTN News and RealClear Opinion Research.

In the survey of 1,000 self-identified Catholic voters, 50% said they planned to vote for Harris, against 43% for Trump, with the remainder undecided. Harris led Trump in every age group, and rolled up large margins among Hispanic (60-30%) and female (56-37%) voters.

Harris also led Trump among those Catholics who reported attending Mass weekly. But among the 3% who attend Mass daily, Trump is a heavy favorite, by a 55-30% margin.

When asked which political issue they consider most important, the Catholic voters most frequently mentioned the economy, with immigration issues second. Slightly less than 10% mentioned abortion, with religious freedom and gender ideology each listed by 1%.

When asked which candidate they had supported in the 2020 election, the survey respondents picked President Joe Biden over Trump by 47-42%.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: howwhite5517 - Sep. 07, 2024 10:02 AM ET USA

    It is appalling. A majority of Catholics would vote for an abortionist. Sad.

  • Posted by: jtlebherz3705 - Sep. 07, 2024 8:25 AM ET USA

    Well, that was a depressing bit of news. Totally not surprised but, depressing nonetheless.

  • Posted by: miketimmer499385 - Sep. 06, 2024 3:50 PM ET USA

    Forgive me for saying this, but I don't know whether to move to another country or another religion. It explains why my home of Minnesota is such a radical anti-Catholic state: too many Catholics. Annual march-for-life parades are no match for the dominance of women who are hell bent on the intransigent preservation of the right to choose. Expressed as the most important issue, I think the economy is a convenient cover for poll respondents to save Catholics face in this abortion regime.