Catholic World News

‘Know yourself, choose yourself, grow yourself, give yourself’: religious community confronts future

August 29, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The US bishops’ National Religious Retirement Office has devoted its fall newsletter to how the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius are “re-envisioning” their ministry to the sick with diminished numbers.

The institute retained two consultants to “create a path to a sustainable future for the ministry and legacy” of the sisters, as well as to reduce employee stress and improve employee-management relations at their care facilities. The consultants developed a program based on the late philosopher Robert S. Hartman’s “four steps to a successful life”: “know yourself, choose yourself, grow yourself, give yourself to something greater than yourself.”

The sisters prayed a blessing of the hands, and this blessing “was an essential part of the final session,” the institute’s superior general and her assistant recalled. They added:

During the service, employees were invited to extend their hands and observe their appearance, to stop for a moment to think of all they do with their hands each day, reaching out to the needs of our residents physically, spiritually, and emotionally ... Person after person reported that this blessing of hands was one of the most powerful aspects of the program.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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