Catholic World News

Pope, at general audience, laments plight of migrants, condemns ‘militarization of borders’

August 28, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Departing from his series of Wednesday catechetical addresses on the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis devoted his August 28 general audience to “thinking of and praying for our brothers and sisters who even now seek to escape war, violence, persecution and disasters and set out in search of a land where they can live in peace and security,” in the words of the Vatican’s summary of his remarks.

“Many of these migrants, including young children, suffer greatly and die along the way,: the summary continued. “Most of these tragedies could be prevented. The teaching of Scripture is clear: God especially loves his children who are poor and in need, and we are called to help and defend them.”

The Pope added, in the words of the Vatican’s summary:

Rather than more restrictive laws and the militarization of borders, what is needed is an expansion of secure and regular means of access, and a global goverance of migrations based on justice, fraternity and solidarity. May we not turn a blind eye to these brothers and sisters, support those who seek to assist them and, above all, pray fervently for just solutions to this grave humanitarian crisis.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Aug. 29, 2024 3:36 AM ET USA

    I don't know how to verify his claim, but Jeffrey Sachs this week said the U.S. operates 750 military installations around the world. If true, and I have no reason to doubt it, then hegemonic control by the U.S. over virtually every weaker state is built into U.S. foreign policy. It is hegemony by militaristic states and aetheist oligarchs that often threatens the personal security and religious conscience of hundreds of millions around the world. Less coercion by hegemons is a possible solution

  • Posted by: feedback - Aug. 28, 2024 11:00 AM ET USA

    Francis doesn't seem to know the difference between charitable welcoming of strangers in organized manner and a total chaos at open borders. Young children die in the chaos of open borders.