Catholic World News

Vatican welcomes China’s recognition of bishop

August 27, 2024

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: The Chinese government has given formal recognition to Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen—five years after he became the Bishop of Tianjin.

Bishop Shi Hongzhen was named by the Vatican as a coadjutor of the Tianjin diocese in 1982. He was recognized by the Holy See as Bishop of Tianjin in 2019, upon the death of his predecessor, Bishop Stefano Li Side. However he was not recognized by the Beijing government, and indeed had been imprisoned for his refusal to join the government-backed Catholic Patriotic Association.

However, on August 27 the government authorized an “inauguration” ceremony at which Bishop Shi Hongzhen was recognized. At the bishop’s insistence, the ceremony took place in a hotel rather than a church, to underline the distinction between canonical and civil recognition.

“The Holy See is pleased” to learn of the government’s recognition, a Vatican press office statement announced, adding that “this measure is a positive outcome of the dialogue established over the years between the Holy See and the Chinese government.”

Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen is 95 years old. No provision has been made for his successor or a coadjutor bishop.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Aug. 29, 2024 4:37 AM ET USA

    Hmm. I have to wonder if the Chinese action is more an anticipation of the aged prelate's end of life than of its desire to acknowledge the Church as supreme in matters of religion and religious authority.