Catholic World News

Late Irish bishop repeatedly violated Vatican ban on public ministry

July 24, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Vatican banned Bishop Eamonn Casey (1927-2017) from public ministry “before 2006” after receiving abuse allegations,, a news site associated with the Irish Daily Mail, has reported.

The prelate, who led the Galway diocese from 1976 to 1992, resigned after revelations that he had fathered a child with an American woman and was using diocesan funds for the boy’s support. The late prelate is described in a new documentary as a sexual predator, and his niece has accused him of rape.

‘We can confirm that Bishop Casey had been requested not to publicly exercise the ministry before 2006, in terms that were reiterated formally in 2007, and he was never reinstated in the following years in spite of insistence from him and on his behalf,” according to a Vatican statement.

“When further allegations were produced in 2015, Bishop Casey was already suffering from various physical and mental problems,” the Vatican statement continued. “These were of the type that would have rendered his defense difficult.”

The prelate nonetheless violated the restrictions several times and presented himself as a cleric in good standing, according to the report.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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