Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue examines sacramentality
July 24, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: The Catholic Pentecostal International Dialogue, organized by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and the Pentecostal World Fellowship’s Commission on Unity, has concluded a weeklong meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, on “sacramentality and Christian living.”
The dialogue is co-chaired by two Americans, Bishop Joseph Bambera of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., an Assemblies of God minister and professor at Fuller Seminary in California.
“Our discussions, while candid and probing, reflect a depth of mutual respect, understanding and fellowship that emerges from shared faith in Jesus,” said Bishop Bambera. “These days continue to be a blessing to us all as we journey together as brothers and sisters in the Lord.”
“After 52 years of dialogue together, we continue to be encouraged as we gain new insight and knowledge of one another,” said Robeck. “Our visit to Fátima highlighted our discussion on the sacramental life of the Church. We are still discovering how much we hold in common, which leads us to greater love and appreciation for the unique gifts that we bring on the same issues.”
The dialogue, begun in 1972, has produced several documents.
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