Renewed papal appeal for peace in Sudan, elsewhere; warning against escalation of conflicts
June 05, 2024
» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office
CWN Editor's Note: Following his weekly Angelus address, Pope Francis renewed his prayer for peace in Sudan and other war-torn areas of the world.
“I invite you to pray for Sudan, where the war that has been going on for over a year still has not found a peaceful solution,” he said, referring to the civil war there. “May the weapons be silenced and, with the commitment of the local authorities and the international community, help be brought to the population and the many displaced people; may the Sudanese refugees find welcome and protection in neighboring countries.”
“And let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar,” he added. “I appeal to the wisdom of governors to cease the escalation and to put every effort into dialogue and negotiation.”
The Pope’s appeal to “cease the escalation” followed President Joe Biden’s decision to permit Ukraine to attack targets in Russia using US weapons.
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