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Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic World News

Canonization looms for Carlo Acutis

May 23, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has approved a miracle attributed to Blessed Carlo Acutis, clearing the way for his canonization.

Born in London in 1991, Carlo Acutis spent most of his short life in Italy, where he combined his computer skill with his intense devotion to the Eucharist, hosting a web site on Eucharistic miracles. He died of leukemia at the age of 16 in 2006. He was beatified by Pope Francis in 2020.

In other decrees made public on May 23, the Vatican also:

  • Recognized a miracle attributed to Blessed Giuseppe Allamano (1851-1926), and Italian priest, who is now eligible for canoization;
  • Authorized the canonization of eleven Syrian martyrs who died in July 1860;
  • Recognized the martyrdom of Stanislaw Kostka Streich (1902—1938), a Polish priest; and Maria Magdolina Bodi (1921—1945), a Hungarian lay woman.
  • Attested to the “heroic virtue” of Guglielmo Gattani (1914—1999), and Italian Capuchin; Ismael Molinero Novillo (1917—1938), a Spanish layman; and Enrico Medi (1911-1974), an Italian layman

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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