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Catholic World News

Pontiff confers the title of Blessed on Guy de Montpellier

May 20, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: In the apostolic letter Fide Incensus, issued motu proprio (at his own initiative) on May 18, Pope Francis conferred the title of Blessed on Guy de Montpellier, who founded the Order of Hospitallers of the Holy Spirit and died in 1208. The Pope also declared that his liturgical memorial will be kept on February 7 in those institutes inspired by Blessed Guy’s charism.

“The example of Guy de Montpellier, an absolutely unique man in his humble spiritual life, obedience and service to the poor, has always attracted and inspired,” the Pontiff wrote. “We believe, therefore, that the moment has come in which he should be presented in a special way to the Church of God, to whom he continues to speak through his faith and works of mercy.”

The Pontiff said he was responding to “numerous requests constantly forwarded by Cardinals, Bishops, Religious, and above all by Orders, Congregations and Institutes inspired by Guy’s Rule and life, as well as by lay people who have approached the Holy See.”

Fide Incensus is the 72nd motu proprio of the current pontificate, according to the list on the Vatican website. Pope St. John Paul II issued 31 during his 27 years as Pontiff; Pope Benedict XVI issued 13.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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